frequently asked questions

We get it, you want to know more.
We are always happy to help explain the 3D printing process and what we are capable of here at TYHI3D, but below are the highlight questions we often get. And we've even included answers!
how much does 3d printing cost?
Not holding back the tough questions eh?
It's very hard to put a relative cost on 3D-Printing services, as often the printing method is defined by the end goal. If you are looking for something that can fit in the palm of your hand, chances are you could get it for under $100. But with the wide variety of printing styles and materials we have available, it's typically not possible to put a price on a print until we have a 3D file to process and some concept of your desired objective for the piece. Some prints can run in the thousands of dollars.
If you already have a 3D file, the best way to move forward is to REQUEST A QUOTE.
what kind of materials do you print with?
This list is NOT extensive, but here are our most popular printers and print materials:
MULTIJET FUSION: PA 11 - High Reusability Nylon
DESKTOP SLA: ABS-like, High-Strength Craft, Durable
A ______ On my favorite old _____ broke. Can you print me a new one?
The holy grail of frequently asked questions!
We can say "yes" to nearly any request that begins with "Can you..." but our follow up answer is always some version of "what is it worth to you?"
If you have an old piece of plastic hardware that broke off your favorite lawn chair, we can certainly recreate a solution for you to get your chair back in working order and your R&R on schedule. However, if you do not have an existing 3D file for that lawn chair sprocket, one would have to be designed for you. And that can often be one of the more expensive parts of the process.
HOW BIG DO YOU WANT?! We're not kidding. Any part can be broken into a series of pieces and assembled to meet your largest dreams.
However, for single-piece prints these are our build plate sizes:
MULTIJET-FUSION: Up to 380mm x 284mm x 380mm (15" x 11.2" x 15"
DESKTOP FDM: Up to 300mm x 300mm x 600mm (11.8" x 11.8" x 23.6")
DESKTOP SLA: Up to 192mm x 120mm x 245mm (7.5" x 4.8" x 9.6")
INDUSTRIAL FDM: Up to 355mm x 254mm x 355mm (14" x 10" x 14")
INDUSTRIAL SLA: Up to 1000mm x 1000mm x 550mm (39" x 39" x 23")
POLYJET: Up to 294mm x 192mm x 148.6mm (11.6" x 76" x 5.9")
You don't print SLS?
As of June 2022, we do!
There You Have It 3D is proud to now offer both SLS TPU and MJF Nylon Printing options.
No. At this time we do not offer full-color printing.
We think the color 3D-Printing technology that is out there is very cool and has practical applications for some folks, but by and large we do not find those prints pass the final visual test with our customers.
Full color-prints often fall just shy of where we want them to be and can appear grain-like or out of focus when under a critical lens.
We always recommend traditional paint work by our union scenic/miniature artists.
What do custom designs cost?
Our rates start at $240/hr and have a 1 hr minimum. We can work very quickly, but very few projects only take 1hr and most take at least 8hrs of work.
The best way to get an estimate for a custom design is to submit a request on our Quote Request page. Be descriptive and include any visual references you may have.
We may be able to provide an estimate on print costs for your project prior to the design phase, but no print quotes are considered valid until there is a 3D file to process.
what about 3d scanning? What kind of 3d scanning do you do?
3D Scanning is an amazing tool that needs line of sight.
We primarily use the Artec family of handheld scanners, which are excellent at scanning solid, static objects. Unlike photogrammetry (another scanning method that uses hundreds of cameras capturing an instant) our scanners need to scan all sides of an object and compile that object into a 3D version of that data.
What that means in a practical sense is that it is harder to scan living, breathing things, in dynamic poses or expressions. We have however, had success with dynamic poses from trained art models.
WHAT's all this union talk? what does that mean for me?
We're glad you asked.
As an IATSE UNION Signatory Shop, it guarantees that all the work completed in the shop is by authorized and current Union craftspeople, and that those individuals are paid a living wage with both pension and health care.
What that means for you as a customer, is that you have the most skilled craftspersons in Hollywood working on your project, regardless of whether you are working directly in film or not.
But, if you are working on a Union Film Production, it is good to know that 3D Printing is a Local 44 covered craft. By working with TYHI3D, you guarantee that any work you do is not only of the highest quality but in-agreement with all union requirements.
what kind of 3d files do you need?
STL Files are preferred.
We also accept OBJ, FBX, STP, STEP, iges, or 3mf.
When sending files for quote, always include the unit of measurement the file was designed in (mm, cm, in, feet, meter). Even better, include the intended dimensions of your part when printed in the body of your text description.
We can get most basic prints completed within a week of order.
Exact timing is relative to our current order schedule and nearly all print requests are on a first-come first-served basis. We are able to handle some same-day and RUSH requests, however that availability varies.
Our industrial SLA printers can print very large, rather quickly, compared to other printing technologies.
If you have your own project files, we are happy to take a look and provide a quote if we are able. However, because of existing contracts and relationships we have with some companies, we may be required to decline an estimate.
As a Los Angeles-based 3D Printing Company, largely serving entertainment clients, we take our client's privacy and IP very seriously and will not take on projects that infringe on their work or appear to take advantage of any "insider information" we may (or may not) be aware of.